Angela Szesciorka – Masters student

AngieTidePoolMy interests include marine mammal ecology, foraging behavior, habitat utilization, population dynamics, anthropogenic impacts, and conservation and rescue. My thesis will assess the risk of ship-whale interactions (i.e., ship strikes) in vessel traffic zones between San Francisco and Los Angeles, largely within the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. I will also look at the impact of large commercial ships on the dive and vocalization behavior of humpback whales.


Keith Hernandez – Masters student

My general research interests include foraging ecology, population biology and community ecology. For my masters thesis I’m developing a project to investigate the feeding ecology of California sea lions at Año Nuevo Island using molecular techniques combined with traditional hard parts analysis.

Jackie Lindsey – Masters student

P1030054I am interested in foraging ecology of marine mammals and interactions between humans and the marine environment.  My Master’s project will focus on the foraging ecology and habitat use of sea otters in Elkhorn slough  I am currently one of the MLML marine mammal stranding network coordinators, and you can sometimes find me volunteering as a guide at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.  I am also excited to be joining the aerial survey team for marine mammals and turtles in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, in the next survey season.